
Hello Singers and Synners, I'm Tyler and welcome to my synful blog.

Despite the name there wont be any actual sins going on, rather I will be discussing the latests horrors that happen outside of our lovely walls!

Article 0, The Decieved

Alright lets just start out with the most basic one we can, The Decieved.

This is john.

John has recently come in contact with a decieved. He is feeling emotions like Depression and anxiety due to this contact.

Steve notices he is feeling quite hot. Then his skin begins to blister, and then it begins to melt.

The redness of his blood is replaced with black goo, giving him a darkened pale tone.

John melts into a pile of ooze, the only things of him that remain are the bones and organs.

What is left of john flies off into the distance to connect with the other Decieved.

John and the others meet together and solidify, jumpling and twisting bones and organs.

John, is a fool.

I hope you enjoyed the visuals, I tried to make them goofy to help with the incredibly grim subject. How The Decieved function is when a person comes in contact with a Decieved, the black goo soaks into their skin and enters the bloodstream. If that goo makes it to the brain it will proceed to tell the person lies about the fate of the universe that will send the person into either a state of fear or a state of anger. Eventually, once it has latched onto the person fully. That person will melt and amalgamate with other freshly decieved. Luckily however, nobody in Ultruan has been decieved in months thanks to our lovely walls.

This is just the most common of creature that wanders the deserts surounding out city, however there are many more! Such as tomorrows subject the Hanters!

Alright thats all for now my Synful Losers! See you tomorrow!